Hiking and trekking in Norway - open to hikers of selected countries as of July, 15 2020
Get ready for summer, the Norwegian Mountain huts and lodges are opening their doors to hikers
Hei, hei! That is how to greet a fellow hiker on the trail, or when entering a welcoming, staffed mountain cabin in Norway. The hiking and trekking season is about to start. Many of the mountain lodges are opening once again, to welcome you with their friendly smiles to the cosy huts. As always you can look forward to a comfortable fire, freshly prepared food and fellow hikers willing to share their stories; all in the unforgettable and magnificent surroundings of the Norwegian landscapes.
Nevertheless, due to the ongoing health risks of the pandemic, this summer hiking season will look different. The situation is fluid and you should be prepared for that. Make sure to keep up-to-date with all relevant travel advice, in your home country and Norway. For the time being travel restrictions into Norway still apply. They will be reviewed around the middle of July, and for the most recent information please consult the site of the Norwegian health authority. (This review has taken place on July 10, 2020, and visitors from a number of European Countries are welcome to travel for leisure and holiday into Norway from July 15, 2020, without having to undergo quarantine - the list of countries will be updated every 2 weeks).
“Our top priority is to keep everyone involved safe. If we follow the instructions, the risk of infection is lessened. Our service is fully in line with the recommendations of the Norwegian health authorities. If the authorities should change their recommendations, we will follow and change our services accordingly.”
Hikers that have booked in advance are welcome in the mountain cabins, huts and lodges of the Norwegian Trekking Association and in privately run lodges. As always you also have the ‘right to roam’, meaning you can go out on your own, with your tent, and you are allowed to set up camp on any unfenced land provided you are 150m away from any dwelling. This year though you will not be allowed to ‘drop in’ to the mountain huts or use their facilities as a day guest. You really have to book them if you wish to come. The number of guests in any given hut and lodge is going to be monitored and special protocols will be in place to mitigate the risks of infection. So you need to plan in advance - a small price to pay for being able to enjoy the superb trails and the outdoors. In fact, many popular hikes and routes might be quieter this summer, adding to your enjoyment.
happy hiking! ut på tur aldri sur!
Hopefully it won’t be long before I can announce the publication date for the new guidebook ‘Hiking in Norway -South/the 10 best multi-day treks’. In the meantime, you can find some useful information on the cabins, huts and lodges that form part of the treks in the guide. They are located in Jotunheimen, Dovrefjell, Rondane, Trollheimen and around the Lysefjord in Ryfylke. You will find practical information for the summer season 2020, current as of June 9, 2020.
Photo credit: venturing out and finding our way to getting lost, somewhere in the Norwegian mountains (Visdalen, Jotunheimen)