Posts tagged hikinginNorway
Slowly Opening Up - Norwegian Mountain Cabins

May 7, 2020. As we have been confined to our homes for many weeks, it seems like one day merges into the next. If you feel you are loosing grip on your sense of time, you are not alone. It appears to be a common psychological reaction to the lockdown experience. Psychologists tell us that change is an important physical and emotional marker for our sense of time, and even for memory building.

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When disaster strikes - the nine rules of the Norwegian Mountain Code

The book is good to go, the last galley proofs have been read and re-read. Websites checked for accuracy and the last small adjustments incorporated. Pushing through with the challenges of getting from manuscript to finished book has been a surprisingly intense process. Exhausted and exhilarated at the same time I press the button to upload the final version to my publisher, anticipating the tactile experience of what it will be like to finally hold my book in my hands in just a few months time.

What happens next, I did not see coming…

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